Sunday, May 24, 2015


Hi guys! I wasn't able to post this lately...a few months ago an article on the Real Living Magazine website featured my submitted photo (which I designed from my previous studio type apartment) to one of their articles about "6 Interesting Small Homes". It was a great opportunity to be included there.

Here is the link to the website:

here is my picture my submitted picture:

By the way, apparently we move out of the studio type apartment after my sister's wedding; and right now I'm back to my old bedroom on our house in Antipolo. Since most of my stuff were placed back to my old room, its time for me to do some refurbishing works, with a touch of DIYs. And I'll be posting the finish product soon! For now enjoy reading the link to the article.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Hi! guys let me share you about some guidelines to a Feng Shui-Frendly Home with the collaboration of Lamudi Philippines. I was lucky enough to be able to share to you their article about this! Please also visit their website at  or
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy which aims to put ‘harmony’ center-stage, by systematically organizing the immediate human-built environment on spots with good qi (chi). In Feng Shui, chi refers to energy or ‘life force’, and derives from the placement and orientation of a structure with regards to the surrounding environment. Despite Feng Shui’s long history its doctrines are not written in stone, allowing for a plethora of modern adaptations of this hallowed ancient tradition.
 With today’s world becoming ever more hectic and stressful, your home’s importance, as a quiet haven from the hustle-and-bustle of the modern world, is greater than ever! After a taxing day at the office or a challenging University exam, it is vital that you can retreat into a pleasantly decorated, well-organized, de-cluttered space in order to recover from the day’s events. What follows here is the Lamudi guide to Feng Shui, which will allow you to find a crucial balance between bad (Yang) and good (Yin) energy, and create the space you need to feel truly at home!
  1. The Door to Your Home is the Door to Your World
In Feng Shui the entrance of your abode is the primary importance, as it represents your relationship with the outside world! Not only does the front door draw positive chi, but also represents your attitude towards friends, guests, passer by and general public. The possibility of improving or harming our lives  goes pass our entrance on a daily basis, with the right Feng Shui, you are sure to attract the best chi1 In order to ensure heightened positivity, ensure that your entrance appear welcoming by keeping the door clean, windows polished and entrance de-cluttered. Furthermore be sure to light your entrance well, as this is crucial importance to the quality of your chi and positive Feng Shui.
  1. An Organized Home Breeds Organized Mind

Keep your home organized! This is perhaps the most crucial part of Feng Shui and therefore must heavily emphasized. Be sure to throw away or organize every clutter that maybe taking up space and bringing in negative energy into your home, as the physical act of cleaning space will help you attain a clear mind. The process of bringing order to your possessions will have a positive calming and therapeutic effect, as well as bringing in positive chi, helping your house, condo to achieve good Feng Shui.
  1. Flood Your Resisdence with Light and Air
Ensuring an abundance of fresh air and natural light is crucial in allowing good chi to swirl through your house and ensure a good Feng Shui! Furthermore, be sure to open your windows periodically, while keeping out pollutants through screen and devices , in order to establish a confortable climate within you home.
Additionally, install light fixture throughout the house in order to avoid dark spots which are know to trap bad chi and bring negative energy to your residence.
  1. Practice Meditation
At its core, Feng Shui espouses the doctrine of “harmony”! in order to attain this state of mind, try practicing meditation to achieve tranquility and create a peaceful, colorful home by decorating it to heart’s content. Adornments of particular note are water features, plants, mirrors and furniture which posses good energy. Therefore positive chi, and good Feng Shui can be helped by bringing aquariums and waterfalls into your house and garden.
  1. Your Home should Reflect Your Personality


It is of pivotal importance that you make your home your own! Hang up sentimental pictures; paint the wall with your favorite color and bring in the furniture you’ve always wanted to enjoy a high level of positive chi and make your home Feng Shui friendly. Additionally , this will allow you to connect with your abode emotionally, making it a perfect place for you to retire  after a hard day of work.

source: Lamudi Philippines -